Online Enrichment Courses

Changing Lives

These online courses offered are designed to help adults in their personal, social and professional lives to be happier and to live more peaceful and successful lives.​ They are also designed to enhance your skills in specific areas.
Online Enrichment Courses​:
A Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading * Helps parents realize that teaching reading to one's child begins while the child is in the womb. We suggest books to read to your child during the different stages of development and when and how to teach reading when the child is ready to read.
Christian Counseling * This course is designed to train Christians to counsel and help others. Those who complete the course will hopefully be involved in helping and counseling people in their neighborhoods, churches, communities, crisis centers or wherever the Lord opens doors for them to serve Him in this capacity. This does not eliminate the need to refer those persons who need professional help to professional counselors and/or phychiatrists or psychologists.
God's Purpose for the Family * This  course celebrates the healthy family
as God's vehicle to connect each of us to others. We will study the family as
a link to the past, present and future, as well as the many forms of
families. We will also discuss teaching a sense of right and wrong,
traditions, education as a key to a better life, the effects of substance on
the family, the family as a unit of support, the family as a launching
New Testament Survey * Brings unity and chronological sequence to New Testament study by weaving the content of the books around a central theme - the person of Christ. Divisions are the synopic Gospels, Gospel of John, Book of Acts, Pauline Epistles, and Book of Revelation.

Old Testament Survey Part 1 * A sweeping overview of God's working from creation through the early days of His chosen people. Topics iclude the patriarchs, Israel's Promised Land trek, David's reign, Solomon's kingdom, the kingdom of Judah, and the exile.
Old Testament Survey Part 2: Job-Malachi * This message of the books of poetry and prophesy gives insight into God's dealings with His people. This course relates the great writings of the prophets to us today. The course is arranged in chronological sequence to avoid duplication of historical background information.

Sunday School Ministry: The Church at Study * This course clarifies the traditional purposes, functions, and organization of the Sunday School. It covers all aspects of the ministry of bringing children, youth, and adults to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, enriching their Christian lives, and preparing them to serve Christ. 

Teaching Adults with Confidence * This course is designed to provide in-depth training for those who are teaching the Bible to adults. Topics include: the importance of teaching adults, the characteristics of adults at various stages of life, adult learning styles, principles of organizing and growing adult Sunday School classes.

Teaching Youth with Confidence * The challenge to teach today's teens begins with understanding them as learners. This updated and expanded course defines the climate for learning, developmental characteristics of teens, the current culture, and critical issues in youth ministry.

Understanding Teaching: Effective Biblical Teaching for the 21st Century * A Biblical understanding of teaching brings appreciation for this spiritual gift. Approaching this task biblically involves empowerment from the Holy Spirit, insight into God's Word, sharp communication skills, and accurate interaction with students.

You & Your Bible: An Introduction to the Word * Believers should be well-informed about the Word of God. This course presents the inspiration and authorship of the Bible, how it was preserved, why we believe it, how we deal with its problems and critics, the role of archaelogy, and ways to study it more effectively.

Your Ministry of Evangelism * Evangelism is the mandate for church growth today. This course covers the foundations for evangelism, conversion and regeneration, leading to a decision, age-specific techniques, team efforts, visitation, discipling new believers, and the importance of prayer to the evangelistic effort.
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